Evolutionary Algorithm for Adaptive Phase Estimation  1.0.2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CCandidateCandidate class contains arrays to be used by optimization algorithm to store data of a solution candidate
 CDEDE class contains the functions that are specific to this particular optimization algorithm
 COptAlgOptAlg class contains the functions that can be used to contruct an optimization algorithm in the main function. The object needs the pointer to the problem object and the RNG object in order to instantiate
 CPhasePhase class for the problem of adaptive interferometric phase estimation including noise and loss
 CProblemProblem class contains the prototype of the functions in the optimization problem that OptAlg class needs
 CPSOPSO class contains the functions that are specific to this particular optimization algorithm
 CRngBaseRng class store methods for generating random numbers using RngBase as its base class. The class can generate uniformaly random number for approximating normally distributed numbers when 'gaussian' is specified
 CRngSimpleRngSimple generates random numbers from C++ build-in pseudo-random number generator
 CRngVectorizedRngVectorized generates random numbers into vectors in order to reduce the computational overhead. There are two methods to this class: VSL and GPU